Saturday, 24 January 2009
20. Dental floss gadgets

Saturday, 17 January 2009
19. Museums
Too many hours walked around on sore feet and trying to bring myself to care have taught me two lessons: 1) Be selective and 2) Look out for small collections. I am slowly learning to fight my OCD tendencies and to only look at things that catch my attention. It's okay to walk past that tenth cabinet with flint knives or even part of "Agamemnon's treasure" at Athens. (Yes, I said it. I did it.)
British Isles:

The Prison Museum, Stirling. I went into this museum thinking, "Could they come up with a more boring museum" and came out gushing. The museum itself is far from spectacular, but there is an absolutely brilliant guided tour with an actor. The man played at least five different roles in under an hour, from a rabid prison guard to prisoners to a Victorian idealist.

Kilmainham Jail, Dublin. More prisons! I don't recommend going here if mentioning IRA makes you see red. Once more, what makes the museum special are the tour guides who are sentimental, nationalistic, but also really, really good. Seeing the encouraging inscriptions prisoners with no hope of escaping the punishment of the British government as well as seeing where prisoners were shot to death felt unexpectedly bad - maybe it's the Ausschwitz syndrome. (I've had friends tell of unexpectedly bursting into tears at Ausschwitz because there's such an aura of sadness still hanging over the area.) Bonus points for the guide introducing himself bilingually.
The Tower, London. Such a cliché, not to mention ridiculously expensive, but the beefeaters are absolutely hilarious. Old sarcastic British soldiers talking about medieval gore, how could it be anything less than brilliant!

Suggestions for great museums are more than welcome. (I'm going to Florence in March, so any gems in Tuscany are especially wanted. I've already seen the most clichéd places in Florence, Accademia, Uffizi, etc.)
Saturday, 10 January 2009
18. Same-sex marriage and adoption

That said, I know many people who find that battle worthwhile and in hindsight would not change it no matter how much they’ve been hurt along the way. I know a middle-aged lesbian couple with a grown-up child they brought up together from a baby, and I can only imagine the terror they might feel when thinking ”What if I had given up? What if I had continued conforming? What if I had ’chosen’ to be straight?” Others, I can imagine asking the same questions, but because denying their sexuality would be denying a part of their identity. (There seems to be a need to validate or white-wash sexual minorities by emphasizing long-term relationships. Single gay people or people in casual relationships have the right to their identity as much as gay people in long-term relationships. This post is, however, about relationships and families, so please excuse the one-sided approach. Similarly, the focus is on same-sex relationships. This isn’t to neglect different-sex relationships of bisexual or transgender people – their issues are just different.)
I do not believe sexual orientation is a choice, and I don’t think granting sexual minorities rights should be a choice any more than, say, granting the same rights to people with a different skin colour from the majority. People will not stop being gay, bisexual, or transgender if we refuse to acknowledge them. Families with same-sex parents will not stop having babies. (This, by the way, is not a new phenomenon brought on by our times’ moral corruption. As mentioned, I know adults brought up by same-sex couples – usually lesbian for practical reasons – and I’m sure such families have existed for ages in one form or another.) The only question is whether we acknowledge their rights as regards to their families, their spouses and their children.
As it stands, a child can be taken from a loving parent she or he has known all her or his life in favour of a biological parent who has hardly even met the child. In Finland, same-sex couples can have their relationships acknowledged and thus have legal rights when it comes to things such as inheritance and property. In many countries, it is still possible for a partner of fifty years to be evicted from a shared home after the death of the loved one under whose name the property is. Imagine being left adrift after losing your spouse, your partner. Imagine knowing you have no way to protect your partner if something happens to you.
I have a friend with a beautiful baby girl whom both she and the other mother adore. They have fought for this baby, they have gone through fatiguing fertility treatments, they have rearranged their entire lives. They have done all this with the knowledge that should anything happen to the biological mother, my friend would have no rights to the baby. They have done it in hopes that change will come, that people will see families like theirs and stop being so cruel. They are very brave.
I don’t rally for the right to a church wedding. If Churches refuse to acknowledge same-sex relationships, that is their choice. In countries that supposedly separate state and Church, however, denying sexual minorities their legal rights based on certain intepretations of the Bible is unacceptable. There are no arguments for it, only excuses. The current legislation in most countries is blatantly discriminatory and tramples on basic rights of people, and we should all fight it however we can.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
17. Skin
Preventative or long-term measures:
Turn the heat or air con down. Both heating and air conditioning remove moisture from the air. Cold, wintery air is dry as it is, so it's a good idea to try and keep inside air as moist as possible. I've heard about placing a bowl of warm water near a heater, but the one time I tried it I didn't really notice any difference. Also, take gloves and other excess clothing off when on the bus/shopping/whatever. Sweating is not good.
Make sure you get enough vitamin D. Wikipedia informs me that vitamin D prevents certain cancers or speeds up the recovery process, is crucial to bones, and can prevent cardiovascular disease. The article doesn't mention anything about the skin needing vitamin D, merely that it produces it. Sunlight, however, is extremely important to the skin's well-being exactly because UV rays stimulate the skin to produce vitamin D. If you live in a nasty, dark place as I do, eat supplementary vitamin D in the winter time unless you eat large amounts of fatty fish (which contains the vitamin). In many countries, dairy products have added vitamin D.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. 'Nuff said, really. Skin needs moisture from both outside and inside.
Wear rubber gloves like a classy (desperate) housewife. Hands are often especially prone to eczema. Dish-washing liquids are especially designed to remove fats/oil, and it'll remove the oil from your skin as well. I wear hot pink rubber gloves when doing the dishes. My flatmates giggled at first, but hey, at least I still have skin on my palms.
Relax and look after yourself. Skin is a bitch about stress, especially if you have a sensitive skin. Adequate sleep, loads of vegetables, and getting organized instead of freaking out work wonders. I know it's not always easy to manage it - I certainly don't a lot of the time - but taking the time to eat that carrot can really help prevent eczema.
When you already have a rash or if you know you're prone to them:
Slip slap slop. Seriously, pharmaceutical companies should pay me for all the testing I've done for them. The thing is, it doesn't as much matter what lotion you use, but how often and how much of it you use. Well, perhaps obviously you should use lotions without added fragrance, colourings or such junk. (Then again, a pharmacist once recommended Dove to me in Scotland, so maybe it's not so obvious. Dove, Nivea, and most similar products are bad. Bad.) I know British pharmacies have inexpensive "aquaeous creme" that comes in huge tubs - I'm sure many places have similar stuff. When my skin is at its driest, only vaseline helps.
Anyways, the trick is to use loads of the stuff several times a day. This, of course, depending on just how dry your skin is. When my skin is particularly nasty, I literally layer lotion on until it forms a thick white layer. Always put on lotion after a shower. Keeping the lotion in the fridge to cool it off might help alleviate itching and that nasty feeling of your skin burning up.
If you have rashes proper as opposed to dry skin, cortisone creams might help. Problem is, cortisone also makes your skin thin and is not healthy for your body in the long run. So always use cortisone locally where you really need it, and use it regularly for a few days until your skin heals properly rather than slapping it on whenever you get itchy. Don't apply cortisone on your face as the skin is already thin as it is.
Do not use cortisone for blisters or if your skin is seeping out blood or fluids. I've used creams with bacitracin and neomycin - I'm sure pharmacists can recommend the right kind of products.
Hygiene in moderation. Being downright dirty is not good for your skin, but showers remove moisture and protective oils from your skin, so it might be worth considering to slacken a particularly rigorous cleaning routine. Keep your showers short and lukewarm rather than hot, and use either a mild soap or preferably lotion for washing. (Lotion will even get rid of eye make-up.)
Eczema can also affect the scalp. A lot of hairdressers or the like will recommend shampoos against dandruff, but they don't really work because it's rash-induced flaky skin, not dandruff. I will shamelessly plug a line called Ducray, which you can get from pharmacies. It calms the scalp and in general works wonders.
Take antihistamine. I can't really personally recommend this as it did nothing for me, but hey, it's one more straw to grab at.
Wear natural fibres. Lycra, acrylic and goodness knows what synthetic fibres can irritate sensitive skin. Cotton and silk are best - wool easily itches on skin.
Travel to the Bahamas. Yeah, I wish. UV radiation is very effective in treating dry and irritated skin. A tanning booth has its own dangers, but that's still the treatment one of my friends received when she was hospitalized because of horrid eczema. There's no reason to overdo it - Wikipedia informs me, again, that the skin uses and processes only about twenty minutes' worth of sunlight/UV at a time. Very careful sunbathing or even a tanning booth can, however, work if all else fails.
Let me know if you have any tips for skincare - they're always more than welcome.
I love you skin - please never leave me.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
16. Parties (and alcohol)

(Why yes, I was already a freak at 18.) I believe I also wore this to a party themed "Roman Ruin". I've thrown parties with pimps 'n hos and harem women as well as soldiers of the Persian Great King. Most recently, I threw a party themed "Hedgehogs and Koalas". The evening started fairly normally with me aiming for a hedgehog but ending up more Kate Bush:
The evening ended thus:
(To protect the honour of the male in the picture, I feel I should point out he's a kind friend who's saved me from falling on my head many a time and always indulges my whims, even when they include waltzing on a freezing cold balcony.)
Next up: mythology party. Shall I be a muse with my lyre or Medusa with my hair? (Medusa being this pretty little thing, courtesy of Caravaggio:)

In conclusion, dance and be merry. It's the stupidest things that'll seem funniest a few years from now.